

Family Gathering

This time last week we were setting up the last of the folding chairs and strung lights in preparation for family joining us.  They would be driving in from TX, LA, FL, AL, VT, MI, OH, KS, and one cousin and her family from Australia! 

For a handful of decades we met at a state park in Indiana, but we just outgrew the space.  Another handful of times we moved around to various locations in Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky, but four years ago my parents had the idea to hold the event on the family farm.  We were disappointed to miss it due to attending a month-long training in Colorado, but we were so happy to hear that it would be reprised this summer!

The family gathered are all descendants of my mother's father and his two sisters. The siblings were orphaned as teenagers in the late 1930s so it's understandable how this time together as an extended family was so important to them.  My two great-aunts married and moved to Ohio, my grandfather married and stayed on his parents' farm.  Eventually in the early 1970s my Dad joined Grandpa in farming and took over the majority of the workload when my grandfather retired in the mid 1980s.  

It's only appropriate that the reunion is held at the farm, aside from everyone having to drive about thirty minutes from the nearest hotel.  It's good for the younger generations to reconnect with their heritage -- to understand the lives of their grandparents and their stories.

Friday night our friend David W came with his wood-fired pizza truck and took orders for individual pizzas.  They were quite yummy!

There was a large, inflatable slide for the kids.  They seemed tireless and utterly occupied!  Totally worth its rental price.

We were split into four kickball teams, all ages included!

There was an obstacle course for the kids...

There was also a dunk tank to cool everyone off (and test the accuracy of their throwing arms)!

And at another field a mile away, a target range for the grown-ups.

Below, my Aunt Viola (sister of my grandfather) and my grandmother, Marguerite.

My mom (center) and two of her sisters, who planned the event.

Saturday night we had a talent show for the kids.

There were a number of acts including the cello, poetry recitation, gymnastics, and singing.

Of course, there is always good food! 

Saturday night we wrapped up our kickball tournament as the sun sunk below the prairie horizon.

Sunday morning we gathered at the hotel conference room for a time of family worship and updates.

Ellie recited a passage she memorized in Philippians chapter 2.

My nieces (the two on the right) and their second cousin taught everyone a song from church camp.

Then we closed in singing and prayer.

The kids get a kick out of our fashion choices "back then"

 Until next time!!

Click here to see the drone video



A visit to Kentucky isn't a 'true' visit unless it includes a horse, right?

Our friends from church, the Shanahans, invited us to their home one morning in late June to ride their horses, pet their chickens, and in general hang out and catch up!

(Below) I'm not sure where Ellie found that hat, but I think it helped her 'feel the part...'

Tina taught Ellie some 'ins and outs' of grooming and saddling up.

While the girls got the horse ready, Reni enjoyed their Swurfer swing.

Reni was happy with one lap around the ring, then all he wanted to do was go back to playing with CJ. :-)

Thank you, friends, for some fun play dates!