

A Place For the Future

It's no secret that I'm proud of my farm heritage -- both of my grandfathers, and then later my parents, managed family farms in Mason County that date back to the US Civil war and earlier.  As technology advances and margins shrink, family farms rapidly disappearing in the U.S.  One only has to look around the community to see how few of our neighbors are still engaged in this enterprise.

As my parents look retirement square in the face, with no available heir to whom they can transfer the management reins, they are endeavoring to preserve the homestead as a connecting point for future generations.  As our return date to the States approached, they put in a fun little addition for the grand kids to enjoy during our visits to central Illinois. 

This is the grin of a little boy who sees a wish coming to fruition...

A real tree house to defend from all mortal enemies!

Ellie gives it her seal of approval.  We have a few additions to make, but for now, it looks like a bonafide kid place to pass some fun summer days!

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