


Ellie, with her kind teacher who administered Ellie's achievement tests and gave us some direction for the next steps in her  education plan.

This girl of ours is growing up so fast.  

Most days I hardly remember that there was a time in her life before she was ours. But every day we deal with the lingering effects of early institutionalization. If I had the chance,  I would stand in the town square and hail any judge or social worker who would listen of the need to get children in permanent homes as quickly as ethically possible, and to provide meaningful social development in the interim.

Last month our family had the opportunity to attend an educational conference.  In the interest of full disclosure, you can label me a 'reluctant home-schooler'.  Education conferences are not something that ring my bell. I do not get excited researching curriculum, hanging out in online forums discussing the ways in which to improve immature handwriting, nor do I have a framed print of Charlotte Mason over my work desk.  However, I have begun to embrace the reality that we are a home-schooling family, and I need to start thinking --as someone famous noted -- with 'the end' in mind, instead of just dealing with things one year at a time. 

The carrot for this conference was the opportunity to get the children tested academically to make sure they are staying on target.  Little did I know when we registered how many other wonderful resources would be available for those of us with children who learn differently. Or that we would meet such amazing families who understand our situation. Or that we would be ministered to so richly. And as I type this list, I also realized how blessed we are to serve with an agency that doesn't see our children's needs as a hindrance to our service in our host country. 

We live in a fascinating age as discoveries continue to unfold in our understanding of the way God has created us.  Thanks to individualized tests and consultations, we learned some new things about our girl, as well as had some other realities confirmed.  We covet your prayers as we seek a possible therapy regimen to help train her brain to idle a little slower, less stressed. 

In the mean time, we keep taking it, one day at a time, watching our little flower continue to unfold. We praise God for His provision of her needs throughout, this conference just the latest.

Ellie performed an Albanian worship song at the student talent night during the conference.
She was thrilled to have an audience.  Her parents were proud.

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