

Something New | A Party for our Students

Once a month we get together with our Albanian colleagues for business.  I wish it wasn't just business because we enjoy our company with them so much, but alas, finding time in our schedules is tricky so we have to cram a lot into the window of time we have on Thursdays between regularly scheduled programs at the center for which one or more of us is responsible...

At one such meeting this fall Genti revisited the idea of hosting a reception for the parents of our English students.  Christmas was the perfect 'excuse' for such a gathering.  On Friday afternoon, the 23rd, we waited expectantly -- not sure if anyone would come!  It seemed at first that only the students were coming (55 in total) and not their parents, but eventually they did and we had a full house!

Nathan shared a Christmas message, the essence of which was: we celebrate Christmas because it is when God sent his son to earth.  And because of Christmas, Planters came to Vlashaj to share the message that Christ has come to save mankind.  And because his coming was to serve, we want to emulate him and serve you in all we do.

Sorry for the graininess -- these were shot from my camera phone because I had gotten so wrapped up in preparing the refreshments that I didn't get my good camera upstairs!

Mostly store bought, we did include one home made Christmas cookie and cookie bar on each plate.  These are a novelty for the most part. And sugar sprinkles are not available to buy at all, so that makes them extra curious!  Special thanks to everyone who gifts us with baking items!  It's a fun way to bless our neighbors!  They LOVE sweets!

We gave shoe boxes to all students under age 14.

They were asked to wait until they reached home to open their box, but one just couldn't resist and I happened to catch this moment...

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