

Girls' Night

What better way to break up the summer doldrums than to do something fun and new?  

From the moment we knew we would have three college interns, I had already started planning "Girls' Night" as one of their projects.  I challenged them to each develop two craft activities with a related devotional message to share with girls ages 25-22.  And boy did they deliver!

They made custom journals with scrapbooking paper and composition notebooks.  They made beaded necklaces, they braided embroidery thread into bracelets (the colors representing characteristics we should seek for our lives), they colored sophisticated coloring pages, and made cards.

And each week girls came to the center for a couple of hours of fellowship, creativity, encouragement and affirmation -- girls who we don't get to see so often because of work that keeps them at home or school... it felt like as much a treat for me as it was for them!

I want to thank Jenna, Hannah and Nashana again for planning such wonderful activities and stepping perhaps a bit out of their comfort zone to share messages and words from Scripture with some who are not familiar with God's word.

We have made a lot of wonderful memories this summer and it's not over yet!

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