

Proud Mom Moment

Last week was a special one for me in the village of Metalle. 

(below) A number of children were out of town for the school-sponsored excursion to Prizren, but it still felt like we had a healthy gathering.

It was special for me because I got to see our Ellie realize a dream, a goal she has had since getting her guitar at Christmas.

Our ten-year-old daughter accompanied worship!  She was so brave!
Earlier that morning we woke a few minutes past 6AM to the strains of her rehearsing "Our God is An Awesome God" in preparation.

Then not to be left out, her brother grabbed two sticks and an old brick and played percussion.

I love that she has had a goal to work toward, but more than that, she sees herself as having a role in the team.  I couldn't be more proud of her!

After the story of Jonah, the girls introduced the game "Sharks and Minnows"...

I know it's blurry, but I love the look of joy on the faces below.

The winner was mobbed with congratulations...

Then the hula hoop game...

Til next week!

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