

Doing the limbo...

I feel like we've been doing the limbo.

Nathan and I resumed Albanian class last week in Tirana.  Unlike 2 years ago, we're now commuting from the village.  Travel times are massively unpredictable, depending on the weather or if there happens to be, say, an historic futbol victory... (that day it took us an hour to get out of town).

Our weeks are flying by as we add the rigors of homework and earlier bedtimes to get us all out the door and set for the day before 8.  

Soon it will be our new normal, but throw in the unexpected, unplanned event (and those happen regularly) and I feel like I'm one step from stumbling.

Thankfully we have a wonderful team around us, encouraging us, praying for us, and helping us along the way.

We owe a special thanks to our neighbor, Pam (who lives and works at the Hope Center).  She is helping with Ellie's education the three mornings per week Nathan and I are in class.
Ellie is thrilled to have her own special teacher, and overall, I have to say that Ellie is doing really well in school this fall without the distraction of (and competition with) her brother. ;-)

So while we're working to find our balance the blog might be a bit quieter, but we're still good.

Naten e mire!

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