


We've been in Buckeye land for one week!

But before I share any photos of cardboard boxes and trailers full of furniture (we're trying to help Mom and Dad in their move to their new condo), I want to share a handful of photos from our time at WGM's Celebration of Missions the last week of June.

Nathan was chosen to share the missionary spotlight (a 10-minute 'testimony' of sorts) before the keynote speaker at Saturday evening's service at Huntington University.

After years of attending similar conferences, Nathan joked that he finally had permission to dress in 'native costume.'  So when he was approached earlier this past spring with the request to share, he immediately set about to pick up some pieces of Albanian garb before our summer return to the States.

He did great, by the way. I was a proud wife. ;-)

The photo below is from Thursday evening's flag processional.  Who wouldn't want to wear clothing that included a saber and a pistol (plastic, of course)?

Free trivia:  Did you know that Albania's King Zog is the one and only head of state to have ever returned fire during an assassination attempt?  It's a handy costume, I tell you!

For Ellie and Reni, they were treated to time with some of their mission 'cousins' and special missions lessons like some from Dr. Chupp (whom Ellie nick named "The Magician-ary") and "Uncle John" Muehleisen's friend Lazarus (below). 

But they weren't the only ones enjoying themselves. Once again I was having too much fun reconnecting with former students, colleagues, and dear friends to have my camera out much.  For us, it felt like a big family reunion and we were so blessed it fell during a time while we were in the States!

1 comment:

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

It was fun watching you all pick out your outfits in Albania. Where's the picture of Cydil in her Albanian apron?