

A Special Easter Weekend

It was a special Easter weekend for us again this year!  We were happy to have our regional directors, the Zirkles, visiting us.  Of course it always helps a holiday feel more special to have guests with us.  Given that this was their second visit, and that they are pros on both ends of the hospitality stick (as both guests and hosts), they are a breeze to host.  On top of that, they always bring us special goodies, are great listeners and wonderful with Ellie and Reni (almost the same ages as their granddaughters in the States)!  Okay, maybe that list wasn't in the right order. ;-)

Church usually meets on Friday evenings which was perfect for a special Good Friday service.  At the conclusion of Genti's message, two of the youth presented a drama Nathan taught them, reiterating the purpose of Christ's birth and subsequent death.  It is a powerful pre-cursor to serving Communion.  Ellie got particularly caught up in it, sobbing when the loaf of bread (representing Christ) was pierced by a nail and hung on the cross.  We heard later that her emotional response was quite moving to many of the adults gathered. 

At the conclusion of the skit, the cross turns into a surprising serving piece of one of the communion elements.

Genti gave an opportunity for people to respond to the gift of salvation before serving communion.  I have to say it was one of my most favorite moments here in Albania.  Stepping forward to take communion is such a public declaration.  To watch different individuals step forward to participate was very moving for me.  Afterwards we learned that one of the children who started coming to Kids Club this year -- and who happened to also be at church that evening -- "opened her heart to Jesus."  It doesn't get any better than that! 

Easter Sunday we joined the congregation at the International Church then returned to the village to prepare Easter dinner.  We were joined by our colleagues and neighbors, the Prosekus. Ellie and Reni were chomping at the bit to open the Resurrection Eggs brought over last year by the Asbury team.

Then, inspired by Friday night's skit, Ellie wanted to perform her own drama, so the kids re-enacted Christ's last week, from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection.  Below, Reni in the role of Roman soldier.
He also wanted to be Pontius Pilat.  Elio (under the blanket) is Christ in the tomb, of course.

After lunch (which was decidedly "American", but enjoyed by our Albanian guests -- the cornbread pudding bake was a particular hit), we had the kids go upstairs while we hid eggs around the house (it was too cold and rainy to do so outside).  Ester and Elio were inaugurated into their first Easter Egg hunt and caught on pretty quick.

Somehow Reni didn't manage to find any eggs with lek coins, only chocolate candy.
There just might have been a little pouting that followed.  I had no idea what a little capitalist I had on my hands!

And before everyone left, a group photo!  (How do you like Reni in his cardigan and tie on top with his pajama bottoms?)

Monday following Easter was the Zirkles' last day with us, and the only day we had completely free to show them something new in Albania (it was a holiday here).  Last year we showed them sites around Tirana.  On Monday we had hoped to take them a couple hours north to show them the city of Shkodra but the ominous forecast dashed our plans as everything we hoped to see was outside.

As I wracked my brain to think of something we could do indoors (that would be open, in spite of the holiday), we decided to try a special country restaurant north of us that specializes in traditional Albanian food made entirely from the produce, meat, and dairy raised on their farm.  About 20 minutes before we reached the restaurant, the rain stopped so we took a little detour to check out a castle we had previously admired from the road but never before stopped to visit.

From top of the castle we were greeted with sights of the sea!

The photos do not do justice to the weather conditions.  I think my umbrella flipped inside out about every time I tried to take a photo, which, by the way, a camera is hard to balance while turning the zoom and holding an umbrella in the same hand.

Our guests were such good sports in spite of constantly shifting winds!  Brrrr!  We really could have used gloves...

Before we knew it, it was time to head back to the airport!  I think this is our requisite parting photograph now.  Unless you leave us while it's still dark and those little sweeties will still be in bed. ;-)

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