

Gigi and Gjyshe's February visit

After many days of counting down and a 1-day delay due to mechanical problems they were finally here!

I don't know what it is, but we rarely have any down time around my family, and this visit was no exception! We spent the first night in Tirana so Dad could get some clothes and paperwork out of storage.  Reni loved the Lincoln Logs Gjyshe brought to expand his starter set.  (I have memories of playing with my Dad's set at my Grandma Van's house!)

Ellie was thrilled to enjoy some new Adventures in Odyssey dvds that Gigi brought over.

 We gave them about 24 hours to adjust to the time difference, then it was off to the races!

Catching up with the women after Friday night church...

We visited with lots of friends, including our colleague Arjan who had a new daughter since my dad's last visit!

Mom and Dad had their share of meetings and we had lots of conversations about the future, but those aren't so interesting to photograph...

We set aside the better part of one day to go do something just the 6 of us.

There are not many places we have been to that my parents haven't been to first.  We were happy to introduce them this winter to the national park at the Cape of Rodon (we took Mom in December and she was eager for Dad to see it too). It was a bit of a trek for dad as he recuperates from a tough last year of illness, but he agreed it was worth it!

Ellie was hopeful that she might find some critters to catch, but alas, no... still too cold!

A rare historic church that survived the destructive years of atheism...

Of course, the best part is visiting our neighbors in the village.  This is just a sampling...

Bardhi (above), who sells us our bread

(below) The couple who sold their house to Planters nearly 15 years ago and thus gave us a permanent presence in the village.  Strange to think we're living now in their old home! ;-)  They built a new home on some family ground not too far away...

The highlight of their visit with an anniversary 'thanksgiving' service the night before they left -- but that will get its own post.

Before we knew it, it was back to the airport again!

Rruge te mbarr!

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