

1 Year

Can it really be?  Was it really 1 year ago we were saying goodbyes, stuffing carry-ons and departing for Albania on an unbelievably hot September day?

Was it one year ago today that Mom Waggoner suffered her first stroke? One year ago when we literally stopped on the side of the interstate, minutes from O'Hare and decided that our departure for Albania would look vastly different than we could have ever imagined as Nathan rushed to Ohio to be at his family's side?

I have pondered how to recognize this milestone as I struggle to find words to express my heart.

Our desire is to bring glory to God in what he has worked in and through us. To show how he has provided for us and prepared a way for us.

We have had some struggles this past year.

  • By far the most difficult aspect of living in Albania is being far from family, particularly away from Dad and Mom Waggoner, and being unable to help during this season of struggle with Mom's health. 
  • Watching Ellie experience moments of homesickness and missing the ability to express herself and be understood in this new-to-her context. 
  • Experiencing multiple incidents of vandalism to our vehicle as we learned the unspoken rules of acceptable (and not) places to park in our neighborhood.
  • Navigating multiple transitions and the stress of adjustment which revealed a lot of ugliness in my heart.  Nathan and I had one of the worst arguments of our marriage.  Over butter, of all things.  So glad we can laugh at it now!
  • We felt somewhat prepared for cultural differences, but moments like the accident (and being ticketed for an event which was not our fault) reminded us that some aspects of life here just won't make sense or ever feel 'right'.
But we also had some great provisions...
  • Wonderful pre-field training that prepared us for the inevitabilities of this year and how to deal with them.
  • A fanstastic sister-in-Christ who dropped everything to stay with Ellie and I in Tirana until Nathan and Reni could join us.  She not only helped us in the practicalities of setting up life, but also kept me from loneliness and discouragement right off the bat. We'll never forget her service.
  • An excellent teacher in Anila and a lovely language helper in our neighbor, Vera. While we still have a long, long way to go, we give them credit for not letting us grow discouraged (and MTI for reminding us to regularly make note of what we 'couldn't say 3 months ago.') They are not only still our friends, but we are much, much closer to them!  Those of you considering ministry in TESL -- it's a wonderful relationship builder!
  • Abby and Anna came to teach the kids.  One major biggie off our plate so we could focus on language studies. They were a built-in community right off the bat, understanding just about everything we experienced the first 8 months here.
  • Wonderful Albanian colleagues who have dropped everything to come to our aid in emergencies.
  • Village neighbors who make us feel loved and appreciated (and gift us generously from their gardens!).
  • A reliable vehicle that has suited our transportation needs perfectly.
  • An orthopedic clinic in country for Reni's prosthetic needs.
  • Opportunities to exercise our gifts in ministry - this brings great joy and fulfillment in what we do!
  • As I write this, Ellie and Reni are playing with two village friends.  In our house. I hear some fierce pirates and lots of giggles. My heart is happy.
  • YOU!  Our family and friends who read this blog, pray for our family, send us cards and care packages so that we know we are not forgotten, and support us generously from your finances. Because of you, we can keep our eyes on our purpose for being here.  Because of you, we feel far from 'alone'. Because of you, we can partner together in seeing God's Kingdom spread, even in this tiny corner of the world.

We count this past year a gift and look forward to the next. Thank you, Lord, for walking with us and filling us with your joy in service.

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