

A Trip to the Forest

This weekend marked the halfway point of our time in Colorado!  We have been learning so much and making some wonderful friends in our classmates and their families.  The structure of 'school' and being in one place for a while now has been a powerful reminder that we need structure in our lives. That is something that we have definitely lacked these past twelve months since we left Kentucky August 15, 2012!  
Nonetheless, after a week of sitting in a classroom from 8:30 until 4:00, it's good to get out and explore the surrounding area, and even better to reconnect with folks who really know us, like my Aunt Dianna and Uncle Jerry.  They moved from the Chicago suburbs to Colorado in 1999 and we had never been to their home here in what's called the Black Forest.  On Sunday we met for church and then spent the afternoon at their home.

Meeting the chickens at the house next door

No eggs!

Yep!  He can climb that wall too!

Not one of Elie's better photos, but in her defense, she was giggling pretty hard.

Thank you, Aunt Dianna and Uncle Jerry!  It was a great respite for us and we really enjoyed our time!

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