

Open Letter to Reni

Editors note: While sitting in O'Hare airport waiting to board her plane for Albania, Cydil sent this to me to save for Reni when he is a little older. It impacted me and I asked if I could post it on the blog now. If you are like me, you may want to grab a Kleenex. - Nathan

Dear Reni boy,

I am sitting here tonight, waiting to board a trans-Atlantic flight. I feel like I've already left the country, even though I've not even left the state of Illinois. You're in Ohio with your sister and Dad, but I wanted to tell you something, as if you were here, though an older version of you.

A lovely, dark skinned woman has been sitting across from me. Dressed in a tweed coat with a fur-trimmed collar and cuffs and perfectly coifed hair. I didn't even notice her crutches propped next to her until she grabbed them easily with her hands to get up and throw away her sandwich box.  As she returned limping to her seat in the waiting area, legs weakly bowed in at the knees, I was horrified to hear another woman loudly ask what 'happened' to her.

She quietly explained that she had had polio as a child. The enquirer didn't hear and, as though she was owed an explanation, asked again. More loudly, and now within ear shot of several rows, the beautiful woman repeated herself.

I suddenly felt extremely protective of her. And I was surprised at my reaction. It was as if the impertinent woman was asking you. The beautiful woman calmly sat down, and I pretended to be engrossed in my Kindle while I mulled how I should respond. After a quick prayer for courage, I slipped across to the seat next to her and told her about you. Then I told her if she needed anything, like help carrying her bag on the plane, I would be happy to help.

She looked at me with kind eyes and asked me my name. I told her, and she told me hers (I was embarrassed that I hadn't asked first). Then she said yes, she would appreciate my help.
I sat back down, and had to tell you how grateful I am, for the way you are changing me. I didn't know how oblivious I had been before you came into our life, never to have had eyes to see people who have more challenges to overcome, nor courage to act on those instances when I would take my eyes off myself long enough to notice.

Thank you, Reni. I have so much more to learn, but thank you for this moment tonight.


Now for the rest of the story taken from the texting Cydil and I did once she boarded the plane to Istanbul...

After writing this letter to Reni, Cydil began to visit more with the woman we'll call Mary.  It turns out that she is a Christian from Ethiopia.  This precious sister-in-Christ was invited as a child to attend a healing service seeking the healing of her legs. But instead she said, "God healed my heart!"  Mary is on her way to Ethiopia to witness to her dying father one last time. His name is Mogus. She desperately wants to see him in heaven. Please join us in praying for him. It will be her first time back to Ethiopia in seven years. She was reading a book in Amheric about Ephesians and shared with Cydil what she was learning about our inheritance in Christ as God's children.  She also committed to pray for "one soul" from the ladies retreat taking place next week in Albania. 

Cydil was really encouraged by her encounter with Mary. It made Cydil thankful for the 24 hour delay that made meeting her possible. Mary shared that she was thankful for her polio because it was her legs that led her to Christ. How thankful I am that we serve a redemptive God!


Learning Together at Home said...

Crying. Thank you for sharing this, Nathan. I am with Cydil. My eyes have been opened and I am ashamed at how long it took. Your Reni and my Samuel are already world-changers!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story! --Kami