

Anna and Abby are coming to Albania!

photo by Beth Crist
Have we shared the news?  Anna and Abby are coming to Albania with us!

Well, it's not really NEW news, but we're excited nonetheless!  These fantastic girls are going to be college graduates in May -- Anna in Media Comm and Abby in Art Ed.  We've known them both for ages and couldn't believe our ears when they approached us about the possibility of coming over to teach Ellie and Reni while Nathan and I take language classes.  At first we thought it would be for one semester, then they asked if they could stay for the entire school year!  We had to think about it for a whole two seconds (actually less) before we said YES!!

Photo by Beth Crist
I don't even know where to begin in describing this blessing!  Anna regularly babysat for us as well as served on our student cabinet.  Abby was a regular at Global Cafe`, went to Haiti with Nathan, and joined us for lunch every week.  Both have had extended experience overseas, love Jesus, and have great servants hearts.  We have so many ideas for ways to plug them into the village ministries, I hope we don't overwhelm them!

I wanted to share the news here on the blog for another reason though.  While most of you probably don't know them, you know us.  You know that Ellie's learning needs combined with Reni's mobility issues don't permit us to simply enroll them in Albanian public school, much less the international school in Tirana.  Our plan from the start was to home school them, but we had no idea what we would do for child care during language school except for us to alternate going to class (which could potentially extend the length of time before we move to the village).  

photo by Beth Crist
By Abby and Anna coming, they will be able to provide much needed help with the kids, not only by providing childcare, but fresh new voices in their 'classroom!'  Nathan and I will be able to plunge head first into language learning (our biggest investment in our future effectiveness) as well as have a bit more time to get our feet under us as we integrate into the Planters team and set up our systems for ministry.

Would you consider helping us by helping Abby and Anna?  They will only be able to stay as long as their funding holds out!  I calculated that if everyone who visits our blog over the course of the month could give $25, it would cover half of their combined expenses for 9 months.  Of course, I don't want you to feel any guilt or obligation on your part, but if God has blessed you and you are looking for a way to bless others, a gift to Anna and Abby would be a big blessing to US!

If you would like to get to know them better, they have set up a facebook page:

They have also been embarking on some creative fundraising projects, including selling oil paintings, prints, and cards. Here is Abby's site:

Gifts to them may be sent to World Gospel Mission, Attn: VIA Coordinator, PO Box 948, Marion, IN, 46952.  Please include a note that your gift is to be credited to Abby LeCompte and/or Anne Leon.
You can contribute online at: (Anna) or (Abby)

Thanks for reading this all the way through!  Gratefully,  Cydil


Abby LeCompte said...

Cydil, thank you so much for this :) We are so incredibly excited about this journey with you all!!!

Unknown said...

WOW! What a blessing! Is there a way to donate for them online? Where are they selling stuff?