

Digging Out: Hershey, Part 1

After several days in central Ohio, we made our way to Hershey, PA on New Year's Day to enjoy some time with my (Cydil's) family.  Why Hershey?  None of us had ever been there before and we were looking for a place to meet somewhere closer to my sister's family in Vermont.  This is the 2nd or 3rd time we've chosen to spend Christmas away from home and the change was fun.  It's definitely less stressful for Mom, and we have the excitement of seeing new places and doing different things than we can enjoy around the farm in central Illinois, like enjoying a swimming pool and outlet shopping nearby. ;-)

The first morning there we had our gift exchange.  Don't the kids look adorable in their hats?

What?  I wasn't supposed to open this yet?

Ellie -- you're so beautiful with your eyes lit up like that! Definitely anticipating presents!
Here are a few other random photos from our time together.

I love this photo of the grandchildren, but have to chuckle that it appears that someone didn't "get the memo."
Pippa and Reni are duded out, but Els and Tua evidently preferred to keep it casual!

It was a relaxing few days together that went way too fast.  Later I'll post our pics from the chocolate factory.  Definitely a fun activity for a family!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

As I am looking at your blog right now, Pop Pop Champion just called me. He is at the nursing home visiting Grams and sharing with her Reni's special book--about his adoption. Pop Pop says the postmistress at Port Republic,NJ started crying when she looked at the book. Oh, how many hearts are being touched by your children's adoptions.