

Reni's Quote of the Day...

Reni, blowing on his marshmellow at cabinet retreat Friday night (photo courtesy of Bryce Toole)

I was leaving Ellie's room after tucking her in a few minutes ago when I heard him giggling in his crib and babbling to himself, "I'm a wack-a-too".

As I went into steal a good night kiss, I asked him,  "What did you say?"

He said again, "I'm a wackatoo!"  (followed by more giggles)

I thought that's what he had said, and it sounded like something silly perhaps his sister had taught him.

Then Nathan translated from the hallway, "He said, 'I'm a Waggoner too!"

I liked that much better! Good thing he is cute because he is t-e-s-t-i-n-g his mom and dad!  I think [hope] it's a 2-year-old thing!  He's always been independent but now he's testing to see what kind of consequences exist for disobedience!  Ugh!  Today was rough. Today was: throwing toys and narrowly missing injuring his sister.  It was throwing food on the floor (immediately after being told 'no') and doing this over and over again.  It was also asking for milk to drink in his crib at nap time and throwing a royal, screaming fit when his request was denied (and Mommy did not cave).  And that's only part of it...  Reni, aren't you glad you're parents are trying to train you that you can't have your way all the time, that we want you to stay safe and healthy, learn contentment, and much more?

So, if you drop in on us over the course of the next several days, don't be surprised if you hear tears from our boy.  This is the phase we are in!

Oh the cool things you get to do when you hang out with college boys!  I didn't know about this experience until seeing it on Facebook!  (I was cooking supper up at the dorm where we were staying and Reni was down at the campfire...)


Jan said...

Hang in there Momma! Teaching him Obedience now will translate into obedience in his relationship with Jesus later! It's worth it!

Anonymous said...

Reni, wanting his own way? Just a normal little boy, seeing what he can get away with! Reminds of another little guy. After disobeying, he heard me say, "That's it! I've drawn the line!" Nathan peeked over the railing of his bunkbed, and asked, "Where's the line, Mommy, I don't see it!" Or the time when he was closer to Reni's age, and he insisted on climbing an outside ladder. When he saw me coming for him, he looked up to heaven, folded his hands, and said, "Let us pray."

Don't lose heart, Nathan is now one great man, and Reni will also be!


Kjernald Family Adventures said...


I am dealing with the same thing over here. Some days I just want to crawl back into bed and start over. David's favorite line is ''I don't want to''. Luckily I can understand it too (learning all his sounds). I will be praying that the Lord gives you strength and patience and don't forget to take a few mommy time outs!

You are an incredible mom, so I have no doubt you will make it through (and so will Reni) with flying colors.
