

Pigtails and Piggies

I apologize for neglecting our blog so much these days! Today we debuted a new hairstyle which warranted bringing out the camera. We are so proud of how our girl is growing up.

This spring she has discovered new aspects of nature to captivate her attention. First it was a VERY large earthworm which lived in some dirt in a jar for several days. That was followed by a baby turtle which was snagged on a Kentucky River kayaking trip (who was conveniently fed the giant earthworm). The only 'home' we could provide Ziggy the turtle was last summer's hermit crab container -- which seemed too small for the little guy. Mommy couldn't bear the thought of sentencing an innocent turtle to a shortened lifespan so after just two nights he was released back into his natural habbitat.

Now Ellie is fascinated with a nest outside the kitchen window housing two beautifully blue robin's eggs. Frequently throughout each day she will request we check to see if the birdies are hatching. We caution her that too much attention might scare the momma bird away!


hannah said...

hey nathan and cydiland ellie
love the new pitures of ellie love my pitures of my nices of ellie i can that my neices elli grow up in big girl in with pigtail and finger piolsh on her hand and have fun with mom yesterday ihave day off from work today

Laurie Kjernald said...

I can't believe how big she has gotten and such a cutie too. You have every reason to be proud. Miss you all and are praying for you.

ps. Sam still has Els valentines card in his room and he tell me who she is and that she is his friend when he sees the card. It is really sweet. Thanks for the card.

Aunt Ruth said...

What a pretty girl!!! She surely is growing!! How precious!!! Love, Aunt Ruth