

Ellie Has Some News to Share

I know Mommy and Daddy are the ones who usually write these blog posts, but I'm quickly learning how to navigate Mom's phone and Dad's I-Pod Touch. Not to mention that my vocabulary is growing every day and I constantly long to be heard. This may be a fun new avenue to connect with my bloggy friends.

I also feel the need to speak out louder now because my voice may be diminished shortly. Let me explain.

For a long time, Mommy and Daddy have been asking me if I wanted a brother or a sister. I couldn't decide. I still get confused when I am supposed to use the proper gender pronoun! The one thing I was sure about is I am excited about a plane trip to Albania. And it looks like it might be happening soon!

Last week my mom and dad started talking about stuff in whispers when I would come into the room. They were also on the phone a LOT! It didn't take me long to put two and two together (that equals four, by the way) to realize something was going on. The question changed from, 'do you want a brother or sister?' to 'do you want a brother?' Apparently the sister option is currently off the table.

They showed me a picture of a little baby in Albania. He looks pretty cool. Really cute, actually. I think he needs a big sister. Mommy and Daddy say he will need to go to the doctor a lot when we bring him home, but that's okay because I like to go to the doctor's office. He looks really smart for a baby, and I can already tell that he'll want to get into all my stuff. I'm getting to move to a big girl bed so he can have my old crib (which I prefer to call a 'cage'). Her Albanian name is Reni (Or is it his name? Those pesky pronouns!). He has good caregivers. I had to ask mom and dad what that word meant and they told me it was the people who are watching Reni until we can go and get him. They are nones. The Mother Teresa type! They gave him a new name when he moved into their home - David. Mom and dad thought that was great since they were thinking of that name already for a boy. I was never consulted. They let me name the turtle, and I think Ziggy would be a good name for a brother too!

David Reni, as mom and dad call him, is a good eater. Maybe I will get to feed him some! He already crawls and pulls himself up, but it might be a while before he walks. He doesn't have any feet! This is the first thing I noticed! I have been checking out lots of other babies, and they all have feet. I think his feet are just curled up and the doctor can unfold them and give him toes. Mommy and daddy say that his feet will have to be made out of plastic. That is why we will be at the doctor's a lot. Since he has legs to below his knees, he should be able to be able to run and play with me with his new legs when he gets them! He is 8 months old, so his birthday will be this summer after I turn five. We hope we can have him home before his first birthday, but we need a lot of people to pray for us!

Until more things are "finalized" (I have to remember to ask mommy what that means) we can't post more pictures or video of David. Mommy thinks there will be other things to blog about though - room designs, packing lists, answered prayers, and of course more pictures of me!

Hi! This is Nathan. I caught Elisona writing this post and decided to fill in a few gaps! David's referral was given to our agency and not specifically to us. Cydil and I had requested a 'healthy' child under 36 months of age, but Bethany Christian Services sent us an e-mail with David's picture (not the one in this post) and a few lines of information just in case we were interested. Since that e-mail a week ago today, there have been lots of prayer, tears, phone calls, prayer, research, laughter and did I say prayers? We are aware that there will be challenges ahead that we can't even imagine, but have a peace that only can come from a living and active God! We have been encouraged over and over again through scripture and the assurance of the prayers of our family and friends. Reni's "Christian" name of David itself brought tears when we discovered it. Cydil and my dads both carry that name. As I pondered King David's story I was reminded of the often qoted Biblical truth that came at his introduction to Samuel:

"The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7b

Our prayer for David is that he will also be known as "A man after God's own heart."

We appreciate so much your interest in our family! We have been dying to share about this from day one because we covet your prayers! Feel free to ask any questions. Feel free to leave a comment to let us know your thoughts. The aventure is beginning again. It may be time to update our blog header!

We have sent our letter of intent to adopt. The Albanian Adoption Committee will be meeting sometime in early May to review our letter and hopefully formally refer him to us.


Aunt Ruth said...

Praise God!!!! David Reni is a beautiful baby!!! I agree with Ellie that he needs to go to the doctor to get feet. That will work out!! How great that he has the knee joints. I know God is going to use this little boy in His special way to win many to Himself. God bless you Nathan and Cydil. God chose the very best parents for David Reni. Keep us posted. As always, you both and Ellie are always in my heart and in my prayers--now David Reni is also.

Viktor and Kristen said...

YAY! We are so excited for you...the tears are flowing over here (ok, from me, Kristen...Viktor wanted me to clarify). Anyways, we are praising God with you for this wonderful news. You all continue to be in our prayers! Emily and David Reni are the same age!!! How fun!?! We love you!

Melissa and Bob said...

Such woderful news! Can't wait to hear more! Oh he is so cute!

Carl and Lois said...

As you already know, our hearts are overflowing with joy to think that God has entrusted our children, you, Nathan and Cydil, and our family with precious little David Reni! I have a sense down deep in my heart that our little fellow will touch many hearts for Jesus.

We were at Max and Erma's when your messagae came through that the new blog was posted. I beat Dad home to see the blog and read Ellie's words!

All four of you are dearly loved!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord...We serve such an awesome God..And to think God chose you to be David's parents before he was even born..You are in my prayers

Joann said...

Many blessings. How wonderful. What a cutie David Reni is. Ellie will make a great sister. We will pray for his coming home soon.

Anonymous said...

I am crying - but I remember crying everyday through the adoption process with Ellie - because this is such a beautiful, precious thing. Congratulations! I look forward to hearing and seeing more of David.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

He is just beautiful! :)


Amy said...

AH!!!!! We are screaming over here on the other side of town. We are so excited for you all!!!!! Can't believe Nathan and I were just talking about your process last Monday night and then the next day you found out about David. So Crazy! Hoping your process moves quickly.

Kirsten said...

Woo Hooo, what a beautiful little baby boy!! We are SO excited to hear your news of God's answered prayer! Ellie sounds like a great big sister already! We are praying for you all!!! We can't wait to see all four of your this summer it sounds like!!!

Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

Congratulations to you all. This is great news. Isn't amazing that God already planned what children we would have and bring up. He just uses different methods. We Praise the Lord for David Reni and for God choosing him to be in your family. He will surely be blessed as i am sure you will be. There will be challenging days ahead but our God is faithful and we will keep you in prayer. Much love to you all. We are so excited for you all xxxx

the Woodwards said...

Yay! I haven't read your blog in a while, but something told me to check it out today. I'm so glad I did! Ryan and I are excited for you guys and will be praying for all four of you as you continue on this journey! *Big hug* :)

Lindsey Carney said...

AAAHHHH, I'm so excited! My stomach turned a flip when I saw the title of the post! Can't wait to hear more and watch this journey unfold. I'll be praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

The Father's heart for David Reni is being expressed through you! What an awesome privilege! He will provide! We can't wait to welcome him into the family. Rejoicing and praying with you!

Uncle Steve, Aunt Rachel and the cousins :)

hannah said...

iam happy about the news love pitures of david reni and going to be aunt again and get new neprew and iam happy that ellie is get new brother in summer

Palmer said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations! That is so exciting. We have had similar conversations lately but don't think the doors are going to open for us. So glad they are working out for you guys.

Ricky and Aidan DiMartino said...

This is grand!

Jan said...

Praise the Lord! Isn't God good! Precious Little David Reni will have a new family and what a big sister - So Blessed.
I am so excited to hear you news and praying that the process goes smoothly.

Meredith said...

Congratulations!! This is so exciting!!!! :) Praying for you all and the continued process!

Laurie Kjernald said...

What an amazing journey life is with the Lord at the helm. I cannot wait to watch this adventure unfold. We are praying for all 4 of you.

with love,
the Kjernalds

Anonymous said...

I'm so very happy for both of you guys- and Ellie. Having a boy and a girl gives you the best of both worlds. I can't imagine a better family to embrace David and guide him through this life-- with the least of his worries being "running feet". Will be praying for all of the processing to go through speedily.
Much love--Jenni Luke and family

Melissa said...

Hi. I came to your blog through Kindsey Carney's. We've been chatting with eachother now for awhile. My son Colby was born in Russia. He will be 3 tomorrow. I posted on my blog about our recent visit to the opthamologist and asked for some help. Seems my little man will be receiving glasses for his birthday, along with a patch in about a month for his lazy eye. I asked for suggestions on how to keep glasses on my 3 year old and Lindsey suggested stopping by your blog. Any thoughts? Your little girl is adorable and I love her glasses. And also, congrats on your newest referral. He's a cutie! I really hope things go well, and quickly, for you. YOu can stop by our blog at Thanks!

Cydil said...

Hi "Lindsey's friend" Melissa! I didn't know how best to contact you so hope you find this. As for your little guy getting and wearing his new glasses... the tech advised us to wait until first thing in the morning to put Ellie's glasses on her the first time. She said that's when she'd see the most dramatic difference in her vision. Her advice worked! Ellie never fussed with them on (in spite of not tolerating them during the fitting, when they didn't have lenses). Ellie was patched too and in the process her bears and dolls were all 'patched' too. She struggled more with the patch, but eventually consented and it worked. It was a short-term treatment. Maybe three months tops. Blessings on your little family! Cydil

Anonymous said...

So happy for you - he is a cutie!

just another blog! said...

You are a remarkable couple. God bless you for giving so much love and care to your children.