

More Easter Weekend Pics

I've got just a few more photos to share from our big weekend in Ohio...
The next one is of Nathan's sister, Rebecca, and her trusty companion, Oscal. Ellie is a HUGE fan of Oskee who has shown himself to be of the most patient nature with young children. I'm afraid next time she visits Nonna and PaPa's, Ellie will be in for a bit of disappointment if he's not around (Oscal and Rebecca reside in Virginia).

My sweet in-laws who like to tease me horribly, but I take it as a sign of love ;-)

The next few photos below are from a visit with our friends, Matt and April. We enjoyed some time with them Friday evening. We got the kite out with the kids and took a walk around the pond before having dinner and squeezing in a game of Settlers. Ellie with Sam and Chloe

Ellie thoroughly enjoyed coloring Easter eggs. Once we let her pull the eggs out of the colors herself, she would plop them in another color. The first egg she re-colored happend to be yellow, which she then stuck in blue. Upon pulling it out of the blue dye she said, "Bye bye, yellow!"

We ended up with some very interestingly colored eggs!

In case you're wondering why Ellie isn't wearing her glasses in any of these photos, it's because lately she's been asking frequently to take them off. We suspect the frames are too small for her and cause discomfort, but have been waiting to get her new glasses until her next ophthalmalogy appointment which was supposed to take place last week. Unfortunately a we received a letter in the mail from the University of Kentucky eye clinic (where her dr works) that her April appointment was postponed two months! So, we're going to try to eke it out a bit longer because there's no sense getting new glasses only to have to replace the lenses a few weeks later... In the mean time, she really does wear them almost all of the time, but occasionally you may catch a snapshot or too without them! In the case of the egg-coloring pics, those were done early in the morning, before we even had her dressed and ready for the day so she probably didn't even have a chance to ask them to be removed!

1 comment:

The Wofford family said...

Cydil, I would have thought you were used to horrible teasing being the daughter of David vanOrman!