

Happy Palm Sunday!

Spring break is almost over! Ellie returns to school on Tuesday and I think we will all be glad to see that yellow school bus come down College Street! We love our girl and she loves being with us, but she was wired to be social!


Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

"Wired to be social"...sounds just like Joshua. We are just starting our two week break. Thankfully we have a family from the Madagascar programme helping out with flying and they have 4 children. Joshua is having a blast with them which is great because his school friends don't live so near.

Aunt Ruth said...

Ellie's blog is such a blessing to me!! I find it a "God Thing" that Ellie is so social. (She's making up for the months she spent in her crib in Albania.) And more than that, God is using, and will continue to use her-- to touch the hearts of many people for Him. God bless all 3 of you. i love you very much.