
3.12.2009 Features Ellie's Adoption Book

A few months ago I wrote a post about some of the unusual ways in which we have seen God provide the finances for Ellie's adoption, and now how we are seeing the same again for the second adoption we are embarking upon. At the time that post was written, we were aware of another possible provision in the works but nothing had been finalized yet to where we could share it with many people.
In December I received an e-mail out of the blue from the creative director of, an online photo company which I have used for sharing photos, ordering prints, and creating photobooks of images from our various trips or family get togethers. In his note, Robert told me that Shutterfly was going to launch a new baby microsite and wanted to feature our story. If selected, we would receive compensation for the use of our photographs. A few weeks ago, they contacted us again, this time to use an image from the book in print publicity (it's literally the size of a postage stamp) but they are going to pay us again! Wow!
Anyway, it's been hard not to share this until we knew for sure that it was going to happen. Today I got an e-mail that the site is live!

I've shared a link to the book on this blog before, but if you want to view the book, click on the box with link below our article titled "Explore Their PhotoBook". Below the book you can read viewer comments.


Anonymous said...

Cydil, that is so awesome! I am not a bit surprised - you are very talented. Knowing you is my claim to fame. :)

Rebecca said...

Congratulations. I saw the book at your home, and it IS beautiful. Yay!

Melissa and Bob said...

What a wonderful way to promote international adoption, well done!

Aunt Ruth said...

We just got caught up with you and Ellie.
We've been traveling for 3 weeks!! We still have 2 suitcases to unpack. I"had" to work in the yard today. (My favorite hobby!!) We saw Ellie's book while visiting with Nonna and PaPa in Florida. The book is expertly done!!! You really are talented, Cydil. We pray for the "new" Waggoner baby and are sure God is at work on your behalf. Love and Prayers.