

2 years and counting...

Playing with her favorite toy of the past couple of months...her slinky
I love those dimpled hands

(above) Ellie telling me the tree is bumpy
(above) posing by the tree for me (we're practicing for her senior pictures)

This past weekend a little anniversary of sorts for us quietly slipped by. It was October 5, 2006 when we first saw photos of the little girl who would be our daughter. Here are some pictures of her two years later. To see how much she has changed, click here.

For a bit of an Ellie update, we are thrilled to report that just in the last week Ellie now happily allows us to brush her teeth. If you remember our reports of oral aversion during the early weeks and months with her, then you will know what a feat this is. We thank the Lord for helping her overcome another fear and turning it into a 'love.' We are also thankful for sparkly happy face stickers which are finally seeming to motivate her to participate in this important hygenic responsibility.
School continues to serve as a wonderful teaching tool for her. Last week she took a field trip to the Wilmore Fire Station. This Friday she will participate in a walking field trip to mail a letter from the Wilmore Post Office, and at the end of the month, Mommy gets to join Ellie's class on a trip to the pumpkin patch! I promise to take my camera. Thanks to all of you who continue to pray for Ellie's growth and development.


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Oh, she's quite a love... :)

Joann said...

Ellie's smiles always bring ME a smile. Thanks again for sharing. Wow, I looked back to your first pictures -- wow, what a change. My first picture of Maria was a faxed, blurry picture. How the internet has changed things :>

Anonymous said...

I remember that first picture and where I was when I saw it! My family and I were on vacation at my sister-in-laws orchard. Caleigh and I were doing school. These new picture look wonderful and I love that blouse on her. Where did you get it? The colors look great on Ellie. Corrina

Cydil said...

Hey Joann -- I know, we felt so blessed to get so many photos of Ellie. Now, I hear you can get video too! Wow!!

Hi Corrina! I believe her shirt came from the Carter's outlet. (Thanks, Gigi!)

hannah said...

love the pitures of ellie outside by the trees love the shirt that gggi love aunt hannah

Anonymous said...

I recently looked at our pictures from Hungary and she has changed SO much since then! She's so cute! :-) And she's growing up so fast!!

Aunt Ruth said...

How the time has flown!! We remember all the excitment, anticipation, and prayers for little Ellie. God is so Good!
Love, Aunt Ruth