

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Ellie has taken a liking to talking to herself in the mirror. I mean REALLY gotten obsessed with her reflection. She can hardly walk by a mirror without catching her reflection in the corner of her eye, stopping, and then turning to engage her reflection fully. It's usually a recitation of a little chant from her favorite movie, "Finding Nemo." It goes like this, "Ah ee ah ee ah oh oh oh" (repeat 2 or three times) -- don't ask us why that. Or, she will do a dramatic 'fake cry' which turns into a scrunched up nose and curling back her lips to reveal some kind of wierd runway model pouty look. It's hilarious. Tonight, it was just Ellie being silly. I thought you might enjoy. ;-)


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

That's a riot. SHE's a riot. :)

Anonymous said...

I think you might have a supermodel in the making! haha

Anonymous said...

That's too funny! I love it when kids discover their images in a mirror for the first time!

Aunt Ruth said...

Thanks To Ellie and Cydil!!!! You've added some light notes to the confusion of the day. I love you!!