

slow news day

We are officially down to 7 days until Freshmen Orientation... so we've been kicking the summer project list into high gear. Sorry there's no Ellie picts today...

Nathan did a beautiful job repainting the wood stove insert -- unfortunately it appears that candle wax or something melted and prevented a flawless finish. We tried a wire brush and sandpaper to no avail. Any suggestions out there for removing it? Any solvent?
Oh, and we still have another wood stove yet to do...

I have no 'before' photos here because, frankly, it was too embarassing to show how bad we let this area go. Take my word for it that it was overgrown and we are very fortunate to not have broken out with bad cases of poison ivy from yesterday's clearning job.

This is what 3.5 tons of river rock looks like.

The boards (above) were not 6 inches wide as we assumed and we came up short. Can't check this project off the list quite yet.
Other projects not pictured: mulching the front beds and Nathan repairing the pull-down projection screen.

I'm being quite vulnerable here and sharing my 'to do' list from this week (my master list is on another paper). While I feel pretty good about what has been crossed off, I printed a separate page just for tomorrow. Before you make fun, this is my brain. If it doesn't get on the calendar or master list, it will literally be forgotten. Summertime is my chance to tackle the 'master list' that builds up during busy college semesters. This is why I like summer (and Microsoft Outlook) and why I love days like today. This is also why I'm feeling a mounting pressure to keep pushing hard until school starts because if it's not done by then, we're looking at Summer '09, Baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, Cydil! I live by Outlook Tasks! It gets printed off every morning at work and is also synced with my phone! I'd forget 50% of everything I have to get done if it wasn't for that piece of software, and OHHHHHH the endorphin rush when you get to check a task off as completed! Good luck with your projects!