1st week of school behind us...
Saturday with Nonna and PaPa

Ellie completed her 3rd day of school today and so far seems to love it!
More Brown County Pics and a few Ellie stories

I loved that she was so much more comfortable with us this visit

Last Summer Saturday...

This was taken at 6:45 this evening (below)

Funny little side-story.... Remember our girl with all the eating/chewing issues? Nathan discovered that she would not only eat a piece of PB&J sandwich, but STUFF her mouth with sandwich pieces to the point of almost choking, to watch him wave his arms above his head and shake his body cheering, "Woo hoo!" It's pretty funny.
First Teacher Meeting!

They shared with us their various communication methods they will be using each day to let us know what she will have done that day in school. We also learned the kind of curriculum which will be used in the classroom and the kinds of activities the children will do in each discipline to tie into the particular module of the month. All I can say is, Ellie is going to have so much fun, she's going to wish she could go to school every day of the week! We're excited because it's going to provide her little brain with the challenge it craves, while satisfying her social and sensory needs in a very supportive and caring environment. We are frequently asked how we feel about sending Ellie to preschool, and we couldn't be more happy with situation she is transitioning into.
One of the super cool things we learned today (in a rather offhand manner during our conversation) was that Ellie's head teacher (on the left) travels to Haiti every summer to work with orphans and that her ultimate dream is to teach full time to orphans down there! Nathan and I have marveled at God's goodness for giving her such a teacher! All along the way His provision for Ellie has always exceeded our expectation. Why should we be surprised?
And, in another 'random' twist of things today, I learned while checking out that my cashier at Wal Mart has a son that will be one of Ellie's 12 classmates! What are the odds?
slow news day

The boards (above) were not 6 inches wide as we assumed and we came up short. Can't check this project off the list quite yet.
Other projects not pictured: mulching the front beds and Nathan repairing the pull-down projection screen.

I'm being quite vulnerable here and sharing my 'to do' list from this week (my master list is on another paper). While I feel pretty good about what has been crossed off, I printed a separate page just for tomorrow. Before you make fun, this is my brain. If it doesn't get on the calendar or master list, it will literally be forgotten. Summertime is my chance to tackle the 'master list' that builds up during busy college semesters. This is why I like summer (and Microsoft Outlook) and why I love days like today. This is also why I'm feeling a mounting pressure to keep pushing hard until school starts because if it's not done by then, we're looking at Summer '09, Baby.
School Open House

Family Times