

Waggoner Family Update

You know those times when you have so much to do, you don't know where to begin and then begin to hope that by procrastinating the list will shrink or get done on its own? Maybe that's just me. So right now, instead of packing, I'm posting an update to the blog.

Anyway, another school year came to an end today with Asbury's graduation. The center has been hopping with graduation parties as well as served as a place for families (and some student workers lingering to service the extra campus visitors) to hang out and congregate in between events this weekend.

In preparation for that, we spent some time a few days ago weeding out the flower beds, putting out some annuals, etc. Of course, Ellie could have been a challenge to keep an eye on while working so when she wandered into the sand volleyball court to play, I didn't discourage her. Of course, it had been raining the previous days so the sand was actually pretty soupy. By the time I took her out, her glasses were impossible to see through and her hair was even caked where she had tried to brush it out of her eyes. For fear of injuring my camera (and risking my reputation as a careful parent), I refrained from photographing her condition and instead settled for this image of her clothes.

Tomorrow is going to come quite soon -- I have to take Nathan and the team of media students to the airport at 5AM (they're flying to St. Croix)! Then Els and I hit the road to drive north (I for some meetings at WGM's hq in Marion and Ellie to enjoy a couple of nights with Gyshe and Gigi and Aunt Hannah). We're going to miss Nathan! Again, he'll be posting to the center blog which is

Happy Mother's Day to our moms!


hannah said...

hey nathan and cydil
I can wiat to see you cydil today with ellie love the pituresof the pants and shoes love aunt hannah vanorman and happy be with ellie this week

Aunt Ruth said...

Once again Ellie proves she's a girl after my heart. My clothes look like her jeans just about every day. I spend many hours in my garden and love every minute of it.

Love and Prayers,