

In America...

In America we say, "Super Model"
In Germany they say, "Ubermodel"
In Albania they say, "Top Model"

While Ellie isn't aiming for a career in the modeling business (that we know of), she did sport this T-shirt tonight to help raise funds for a local organization which distributes grants for families in the process of adoption. (If you are interested in one for $10 -- children's sizes only -- let me know!)

Then, I just had to include the photo below shot by Nathan today on our cell phone. This car was in the parking lot of our local Wal-Mart. Oh how I wish I could have seen the owner and asked, "A flet shqip?" (do you speak Albanian?)


Sounds of Global Cafe`...

Some of you may not be familiar with the weekly Sunday evening fellowships we host at the student center, a time we call "Global Cafe`". In case you don't know, we have student-led worship, a challenge or testimony from a missionary speaker, and a time of prayer for the needs of the world. After the service we enjoy international coffee and refreshments while a portion of our music team provides an eclectic atmosphere with their original musical scores -- which you'll see in the video Ellie regularly enjoys and would like to contribute to.


Be-lated Valentine's Photos...

I can't believe I forgot to post these last week!!
Be-lated Happy *Hearts* Day!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Cute Ellie quote of the day...
Nathan: "Give Daddy a kiss goodnight!"
Ellie: [kisses Nathan, pauses and says] "Tickoes!"
(translated, tickles, referring to Nathan's goat-tee)



Okay, to our friends in northern states, you are probably laughing at our "snow", but it's really the most we've gotten all winter so we had to enjoy it while we had it!

And Ellie, we're sorry for this pitiful excuse for a sled...

Ellie's new phrase today: "Where dit go?"


How do I love you? Let me count the ways!

As promised, below is a short video of Ellie showing off her new verbal abilities! (hiccups and all!)

Swim Party

This past weekend while I was at a retreat, Nathan took Els to a pool party (at the College's Luce Center) for her playgroup friend, Phoebe. As you can imagine, it was a party Ellie wasn't ready to leave!
The past week has been pretty exciting. I mean REALLY exciting... Ellie has started talking! It's nothing complicated (usually 2 word combinations at the most), but we're marveling at the new little person who is living in our house. We have a little girl who can tell us what she wants, what she sees, and general greetings! Today she had her weekly speech therapy session where Miss Jennifer reported, "Results not typical!" I promise a new video soon!