

This time last year...

"This time last year..." is a recurring thought we've had these past several weeks as we remember the monumental events that unfolded these same days on the calendar in 2006. Tonight, we are engaged in a similar activity on this Tuesday before the busiest travel day of the year as we did last year: packing suitcases. But instead of hitching a ride to the airport in the morning to catch a flight to meet Ellie, we're packing up the mini-van for a Thanksgiving holiday in Ohio with the Waggoner family.

In reflecting on all that has happened in the last 12 months, it's easy for us to look at Ellie and marvel at the changes we have seen in her since we met her November 24, 2006. I often forget how much Nathan and I have changed in the last twelve months, too! Here's a quick list I drew up of ways we've changed and things we've learned:

1.) I have no idea what was the last movie made by Sandra Bullock, but I now know who "Bob and Larry" are, and yes, I have sung the theme song more than once in a moving vehicle.
2.) I have bunches of new friends that share the common experience of adopting a child! They're a wonderful resource and support.
3.) Some of my other favorite people include "Melissa and Doug" who make an amazing array of very cool wooden toys and puzzles.
4.) My most productive hours of the day are now between 2 and 4 pm
5.) Nathan and I both seemed to have developed numerous gray hairs that I'm almost certain we didn't have in 2006.
6.) I recently noticed that I watch other toddler-age children and try to figure out what they're doing developmentally.
7.) I sing a WHOLE lot more, and if the song has 'actions', I sing it even more
8.) Chili's makes the best mac n' cheese of any casual dining restaurant
9.) we've learned that Cookie Monster doesn't eat cookies anymore! (not very healthy, apparently)
10.) I carry a stash of uninflated balloons in my purse -- they are great diversions for the unhappy child

That's what I've come with so far. I'm sure the list will grow.

1 comment:

hannah said...

love new updates and have fun with nathan's family for thanksgiving love hannah