

Sweet Corn Season!

Here's 85-years' worth of experience studying this ear of corn

Is it ready yet?

Shuckin' corn with Mom Waggoner and the nephews and niece at Steve and Rachel's home

Yes, we're in Illinois for a week's vacation. I [half] jokingly schedule my summer trips to visit family in Illinois to correspond with sweet corn season. Here are some picts from Thursday. The best is yet to come!


Sarah said...

Yummo! So do Steve and Rachel have four kiddos?

Anonymous said...

So good to see your family time together. Leah's ponytail is cute. We now have 2-"two year olds" in the family. There's been so much drought here. We might not get any corn. Have a great mini vacation. We leave for Holland, Michigan tomorrow. I'm sending you (via e-mail) some pictures of my flowers. It's been a difficult season--due to the drought. Give Ellie a hug for me. Love, Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

What a great picture of Grandpa Whiteford. Great color!!!!!
And is that Uncle David wearing shorts? Wow!!!!!!
Had sweet corn from Whole Foods last night and it sure didn't come close to central Illinois corn.
love, Aunt Dianna

The Wofford family said...

I am so jealous! We also get corn from the store around here, but that couldn't compare to going out with Grandpa and picking it fresh!