

Ellie's 15 minutes in Budapest

see parliament over Ellie's shoulder to the right?

Lookin' at the Danube

Castle Hill

Ellie loved riding the tram

Waiting for her connecting tram

Swinging with her dad before tonight's celebration banquet

Since camp wrapped up last night and we're leaving EARLY Monday morning, we thought we would take advantage of a few free hours this afternoon to take Ellie into town and get some photos to show her someday that she really was in Hungary when she was two years old. Because we wanted to get her back to the Johnson's home in time for some sort of nap, our time in Budapest was REALLY short, but I think we got some fun photos to make the trip worthwhile.
Tonight we had our celebration banquet with the camp staff and shared testimonies of how God moved in camp this week. We were thrilled to see 5 of the youth (teens) pray to invite Christ into their hearts. A number of children did also. In light of this culture, this is nothing short of miraculous. The testimony time this evening was touching to learn how hearts of our camp staff were affected this week too. This English camp ministry is special to Nathan and I with this being our 3rd camp in Hungary since 2000. Leaving is bittersweet since we don't know when we will be back again next!

Here we are with Duane and Anne Kline from Locust Grove, GA. The Klines have come for the past three summers to lead the adult program which ran every evening of camp time. Their passion for lost souls is infectious. Incidentally, it was cool to learn that Anne's dad was one of Nathan's math professors in college!

(Ellie is about ready to fall to pieces, she was SO tired). Here we're pictured with Gabor and Reni. We've known Gabor since 2000 when he was a translated at the first English camp we attended. His experience and maturity as a translator and a co-laborer in ministry was such a blessing this week. It was a joy to get to know Reni this trip (last year she couldn't get off of work to translate). When she wasn't translating, she had a special touch with Ellie and gave me a little bit of a break!


Anonymous said...

What a world traveler Ellie has been in her two short years. We rejoice with you for God's blessing on the camp!! Get ready for hot weather in the USA.
Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

hannah vanorman said...

what world traver ellie been in her short years did she like being in budapest I love the pitures of you and nathan and ellie on the blog get ready for the hot weather in Illonis love aunt hannah

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

Thank you for your encouragement and involvment in our lives through our blog and prayers. We enjoyed getting our little dot in Europe and pray that Ellie will travel well when it comes to that.
