


Ellie's Grandma Van is in Albania again and sent us these photos today of the hospital where Ellie was born! We had wanted to visit this place and get our own photographs last winter, but a combination of factors (lack of time & Ellie's fear of car rides) prevented us. It's probably more appropriate to see it in the light of the June afternoon sun because this is probably how it looked when Ellie came into the world nearly 2 years ago! There are very few places in this world where Ellie has been that I have not, and this is one of them. As the place where she spent the first two months of her life, it's good to know how to better shape my mental images of her earliest days.


Anonymous said...

How interesting to see the hospital
where Ellie was born. We'll see all of you in 3 days. Grams and Pop pop fly to Indy tomorrow. We will meet them at the Indy airport at 1PM. Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

hannah vanorman said...

aunt hannah love this pitures of ellie hosital when she was born aunt hannah said

Straight Rows said...

I'm still amazed that we now have a granddaughter that was born in the hospital where we would go in the mid-ninties to hold the "little Ellie's". How could we have ever imagined then what we know now. God is so amazing, isn't He! I'm so grateful for having that experience and to now be able to explain to Ellie what her birthplace was like.