

10th College Reunion!

The headquarters for the class of '97 was conveniently held at our place!

Some special girls that I lived with (or very near) during my time at Asbury

We had well over 80 folks (including spouses and kids) gather for lunch today in the basement

I know many want to see Ellie and unfortunately this is all the better I have of her as she went down for a nap about the time things were really rolling here this afternoon. In this photo we're with one of my college roommates, Jenni, and her two children who were visiting from Chesapeake, VA. We're so glad they made the 10 hour trip to Kentucky this weekend! It was the first time I have met Jenni's children!
Now, the main reason I'm taking the time to post tonight is to request prayer for our journey tomorrow! We are leaving on a jet plane for Budapest, Hungary tomorrow (Sunday) morning and it will be Miss Ellie's first flight since coming home with us in December. We have a lot left to do this evening to be ready to go so I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Our next blog post will probably be from central Europe! To follow our team that we're leading from the College, you may visit Good night!


hannah vanorman said...

love this pitures of your college friends in your class and love pitures of you and ellie on the blog aunt hannah said

henryjz said...

seeing those couple of pics made me sad that i missed it... oh well, maybe at 15 years... we don't plan on having any more kids between now and then :p

Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

Congratulations on the 10th reunion. Phew time goes fast!
Hope all goes well in Budapest and wee Ellie enjoys the time being back in Europe.