

Palm Sunday spring fashion, fun and friends

This isn't the greatest picture but I wanted to show off this cute little onesie and mini-skirt combo which was a gift from some friends in Ohio, perfect for today's warm weather!

Daddy was her hero and hung this swing in our backyard. Many thanks to Stephen and Rachel for passing on this wonderful gift! Swinging is Ellie's favorite pastime, right up there with bubble baths!

Els is enjoying some more swing time, this time after Global Cafe` tonight with Monica on a hammock strung between two trees in our backyard.


hannah vanorman said...

hey nathan and cydil
aunt hannah love this piture of ellie and cant wait to see you and nathan and ellie for ester jenny and seth are coming on wedensday and take them to my apartment when get here on wedesnday aunt hannah said

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...the VanOrman tradition of a hammock...another item that the Rankin girls thought was so neat at your house growing up!

bug seth tua pip said...

Does Cydil or Nathan choose what Ellie wears each day? Very cute outfit. I'm jealous of your spring weather! I enjoyed seeing the pictures of Ellie spending time with the great g-parents.

Anonymous said...

Nathan, your little girl looks so much like you!!! The blog always bring smiles to my face. Love ya, Aunt Ruth