October was a lovely month of routine... Ellie and I taught music and English classes every Wednesday at VT Albania...
Reni played lots of futbol!
Jeta continued to serve as a hub of activity after school and every Saturday.
We had two visits with our friends from the Hope Center... the first visit was facilitating a batch of group games.
One Sunday afternoon we enjoyed a coffee and desserts with our teammates and visiting volunteers.

Below, Luli stands with Tony (or, Hat Man, as he is referred to by the village kids), who made his third visit to Albania from Hawaiia!
Nathan and Reni have been hitting Advanced Math faithfully each morning. The remainder of the kids' classes are online and they are both carrying a heavy academic load.
The Artoni family hosted their pastor from Argentina. He is a talented natural musician, so Ellie was in HEAVEN!
We enjoyed having him over for dinner one evening before he left.
We visited the dressmaker's shop to get a tutorial in how to dress in the costume Ellie would wear for her senior photos (see previous post).
Another Sunday evening we hosted the Mustafajs and Handworks over for Jackbox games (online group games you play through your phone or tablet). They are always sure to elicit a ton of laughter!
The futbol federation hosted a Balkan regional tournament for the amputee football team.
We attended with the students of VT to show our support for the team, and Luli and Luis who coach it.
They played teams from Turkey and Kosova.
One evening Mandi and Arjan hosted a barbecue for men in their 30s who were some of the first generation in the kids club program.
Another evening we had a staff dinner meeting on the rooftop. Below, Luli and Reni engage in a push up contest.
When your neighbor gifts you pomegranates...
... and your colleagues loan you their juicer...
Reni and Nolan sport new haircuts. We had dinner together the night before they left to return to America after 5 weeks in Albania.
My lessons in English have revolved around the days of creation. Below, Lisjana attempts to reconstruct Genesis 1:1 in English.
Before the time changed, the ladies had to get in on the rooftop fun! We enjoyed hot mountain tea and cookies.
A VERY generous friend of the ministry gifted us with an amazing Cricut machine and goodies like iron ons and vinyl transfers. Nathan made these personalized shirts for the skills winners of October's futbol school.
Early for church? Let's treat each other to some backrubs!
Our second gathering of the month with the Hope Center took place at Jeta. Below, bocce ball.
October also brings Eda's birthday! She brought cake!
Below, Ellie poses with our friend, D. D's family produces amazing olive oil from their 300 olive trees! If you visit us, we'll hook you up with some fantastic oil.
Below, Ellie poses with our friend, D. D's family produces amazing olive oil from their 300 olive trees! If you visit us, we'll hook you up with some fantastic oil.
She brought cake for us to enjoy after exercise class one evening.
Ellie has been teaching about the classic composers at VT. Below, one of our friends completes a worksheet on Mozart!
A few weeks this month the public high school had a volleyball and soccer tournament at Jeta! It was fun to see the facilities so busy mid weekday!
Finally, a sign of the advancement of autumn was Demir and Ismail trimming back the grape arbor.
While we do feel a bit open and exposed to the street now, it's a relief that I don't have to engage in daily leaf sweeping. :-) In case you didn't know -- our family lives on the upper floor while the ground floor, which used to be our former ministry space now serves as a 2 bedroom guesthouse for volunteers who come to serve with the ministry.
We'll be back with November's post before you know it!