

December 2023 | Sweet Treat

After a very hectic four months in the USA, December was a bit more more balanced. We focused on making time for friends and family, while checking off tasks that could be done from our desk.  Above, Mom found that a puzzle on her kitchen island was hard for me to resist. While we spent a few nights a week at her place (to be closer for medical appointments), you could find us there, with a football or basketball game on in the background. 

It was our honor to help Dad edit his biography -- a gift we gave him last year through Storyworth. Following Mom's passing in February and while he dealt with some health issues, his biography turned into a project he could tackle from his desk while also processing the loss of Mom.  Organized chronologically by time periods of his life, he shared a number of amusing anecdotes, reflections on lessons learned, and treasured photos that together became a real gift for the entire family. 

Because of the flu, Reni's final appointment at Shriners had to be rescheduled.  On December 6&7, Nathan and Reni drove down to Lexington to pick up his finished legs.

Below, his 2021-2023 right leg next to the NEW right leg, complete with knee joint!

     He was at Shriners for several hours to ensure proper alignment, practice use, receive some gait-training from the physical therapist, and learn proper care as well as how to adjust resistance in the new knees. 
     He came home with crutches -- which he declared made him feel disabled for the first time in his life. He never used them again after the first day! Below, walking in the door of Gigi's apartment.  Yes, he is taller than her!

From as young as I can remember, I have been fascinated with old, ornate homes. There was a particular dwelling that always captured my imagination when we would pass it on Route 29 south of Greenview. It was overgrown with shrubs and trees and tall grass, windows and doors broken -- but it was plain to see, despite its dilapidated condition, that it had one time been beautiful. Adding to the fascination were rumors from my dad that it had once served as a stop on the underground railroad (sadly, I've not yet been able to verify this).

You can imagine my surprise while driving by this fall to discover that it (the Marbold Farmstead) was in the process of preservation and was holding a special Christmas open house allowing the public to tour the renovations in its current state. The exterior work is nothing short of miraculous!

We made a lovely excursion of it with Nathan's dad and my mom, enjoying lunch at another restored historic property in nearby Petersburg.

The following week we enjoyed a visit from the Ericksons, who drove down from Chicago to enjoy lunch with us!  We are looking forward to seeing them in Albania in Februray!

The next morning I rose bright and early for my second cataract surgery! This time I knew better what to expect. I hope I don't everr lose the wonder of waking with clear vision each day! Below, waiting to be called back -- fasted with no make-up or jewelry and wearing loose-fitting clothes, as ordered. :-)

I came back to Mom's to recuperate. The surgery day is always a bit 'wonky' as the anesthesia wears off and my surgical eye remains dilated until bedtime. I had a follow-up appointment the next morning, so it was a good excuse to stay over -- with access to better wifi for the kids' online classes.

While I recovered, the family indulged in a lot of sweet creativity. Below, Ellie and Hannah tried their hand at a gingerbread house.  I'm convinced the makers of those kits rely on customers with a sense of endless optimism, a sweet tooth, and plenty of nostalgia.

Mom and Nathan went to town trying out several new cookie and dessert recipes for the holidays.  I thought the "S'Mores Skillet" looked the prettiest!

The following day we attended The Chosen's Christmas special showing at the local cinema! It was amazing that I could view the film without any issues, just over 24 hours after my surgery!

Saturday morning we visited my grandfather who wanted help cleaning out his closet and dresser.  We found this beauty from 1998...

As a Christmas gift to ourselves, we bought a Lego Christmas village.  It provided several hours of family time together!  After Christmas, we took it apart, bagged the pieces, and will enjoy it again next Christmas in Albania!

Imagine our surprise to find this road sign just a few miles from our farm.  One day, we stopped to take a photo with Reni.

One evening with time to burn between appointments, we stopped at Hobby Lobby.  We found this store had something for everyone in our family! We decided it's probably a good thing that we have limited luggage space.  We did not purchase anything for ourselves, but really enjoyed browsing!

Imagine our surprise at finding this truck for our favorite Kentucky softdrink in East Peoria!

Several months ago, Mom purchased us tickets for Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas concert.  It was a great way to prepare for Christmas!

We got to visit with life-long friend, Candi, and meet her new pup, Smokey!

On Christmas Eve Eve I turned a year older!  The family graciously acquiesced to my wish for a quiet evening including my favorite local carryout (LaGondola) and an Agatha Christie mystery film!  LaGondola and a British mystery was a family tradition when I would come home from college...

We enjoyed a beautiful Christmas Eve service Sunday morning at church.

Many (us included) took advantage of taking family photos in front of the Christmas tree!

Below, Nathan and his Dad and siblings

Ellie couldn't have been more surprised to receive a gift of Crumble Cookies from Stacy! If you heard squealing, that was her!  Ellie has a sweet spirit and joyful heart that endears her to many.

Afterward, the Waggoners enjoyed a Chinese buffet lunch to celebrate my and Elisha's December birthdays!  Thanks, Dad!

Christmas morning we feasted on homemade Quiche Lorraine and Mom's special Swedish coffee bread.

Hannah is the most festive person we know...

Mom poses below with one of my Dad's favorite sayings in difficult situations... 

Ellie got a requested personal blender for making her own smoothies.

Below, Grandpa video chats with Jenny's family in Vermont.

I don't think Reni moved from the couch where he slept the previous evening! 

Mom pulled out all the Christmas ware for dinner.

Late Christmas afternoon we drove to Delavan and enjoyed an evening of games and gift sharing with our Waggoner family. Dad created a fun "meme game" out of family photos that generated lots of laughs.

We were honored when friends from Albania stopped by for a visit a few days after Christmas!

And that appears to be my last photo of the month and the year! We look forward to a full 2024 -- if events come together as planned. 

We are so grateful for these months in the USA.  The change of scenery and pace has been a good time of reconnecting with friends and "resetting" our hearts and minds to embark on a new term.  We now focus on packing our bags to return to our other home! Happy New Year!

P.S. I realized after finishing this post, I did not have ANY photos from Valley Chapel's NIGHT IN BETHLEHEM.  They host this every-other year.  If you live in Central Illinois and have children, you need to attend this!  They do such a good job!! It's very interactive and educational, not to mention they clearly share the meaning of Christmas. Follow their facebook page for notifications! And go early to avoid waiting in line for entry!