

The Heart of Summer | July 2021

Probably the most challenging aspect of this summer was the fact that I had to take not one but two summer school classes to stay on track with my masters program.  But when you have an amazing outdoor space like this in which to study, it's a bit easier.  (I just hated that there were times I had to say 'no' to hanging out with friends and family because of homework, but this too shall pass.)  And even in my studies, God was sweet to give me quiet places to work and read so that even my studying felt sort of restful.

Another fun activity were our weekly trips to the Lodge where my Grandpa Van lives.  He asked us to show The Chosen in the theater room to the residents. I won't forget it and our visits became weekly highlights.

The photo below was snapped through the screen window.  A rare moment of sibling fun.

Chris, our neighbor who farms the family's ground, is a frequent passerby, along with his highly personable dog, Nora.

Being back home means the opportunity to attend local events like the birthday of our dear friend, Joe Bachman.  The machine shed doubled as a perfect party venue!  

Mom and Hannah now live within walking distance of the Peoria Chiefs and we enjoyed attending an evening baseball game at Dozer Park.  It was so fun to be in a crowd of folks who were genuinely enjoying themselves!

And if you happen to share on social media what you're doing, someone may deduce your location and surprise you!  So fun to see you, Aunt Miriam! <3

Back at Mom's Hannah treated us to festive cupcakes while we enjoyed watching the fireworks from her upper-level apartment.

The day after July 4, we had to make a very quick trip to Lexington for Reni to be fit at Shriners.  We stopped in Louisville for a coffee with my college roommate, Lindsay, and her mom, Sandra!

I don't have photos from Reni's appointment, but we found a Chinese restaurant with a great lunch special.  Reni had fun playing with chopsticks...

... and eating fortune cookies!

Sunday lunch after church with family just feels so natural and what families who live in America get to do. It may not feel like a big deal to some, but believe me, it's a big deal to us!

One day we had an extended power outage.  After about 8 hours we loaded up and went to the library for air conditioning and wifi. We came back and still no electricity so we pulled out the books and read out on the deck, which had more light than indoors... 

Fun family movie night watching the finale of The Chosen Season 2...

Hi, Dallas!

One evening we visited my cousin Rachel's farm. 

We cooked out outside...

...and enjoyed lots of really great conversation inside.

Another evening we hosted a birthday party of Nathan's sister, Rebecca, and his niece, Leah.

For Reni, his favorite part of coming to the USA is COUSIN TIME!

Two birthdays, one cake!

We had a week of meetings and training at our mission's home office, but first, we were able to make a visit to see our friends at Eaton Church of God -- the home church of Nathan's Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jack. 

Sunday afternoon we attended a picnic planned by our regional director at a local putt putt course and driving range for those of us from the region who had come to town for business at the office. 

Reni REALLY enjoyed swinging a golf club!

The next morning Ellie and Reni left to attend MK Camp for a week at a state park about an hour away.  Reni was 'too cool' to pose for a photo (lol).

While I don't have any photos of meetings (because really, how interesting would that be?), we did do something we have never done before... and that was to record for a podcast at a real recording studio!

Midweek we ran up to visit dear friends, the Lowes, for dinner.

The week flew by and the kids had a wonderful time at camp.  Before we left we made them find their height markers on the MK wall.

We got home in time for another family event -- the 80th birthday party of my Uncle Darold.  After a nice reception in Morton, the party continued at his home.  It tickled me that Nathan was asked to provide tech support for one of my aunts.

Then after the party, my Aunt Marcia gifted me with some extra subs from my favorite local take out.  I'm so sorry to our trainer back in Albania.  We are going to have to do a lot of extra work to make up for the yummy, rich American food.

The next day we celebrated my Grandpa Van's 94th birthday with friend chicken back at the farm.

A few days later we were so excited to host Pam and her siblings for lunch on their way through Illinois!  Pam, second from left, is Ellie and Reni's beloved teacher in Albania.  This was our first time to see her in the USA in nearly 8 years of knowing her!

Mom bought the kids a bow and arrow set for the farm... Just in time for the Oympics!

The month wouldn't be complete without celebrating this boy's birthday! He was thrilled to celebrate by having a sleepover with his cousin, Elisha, and enjoying a lunch at a Japanese Hibachi grill!

We are so grateful for his life and all that he brings to our family and those around him!  He is a loyal friend, has an inquisitive mind, and a personality that wants to succeed and the things he puts his hand to.  We pray that he continues to grow in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man!  We love you, Reni!

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