Nathan and Viktor, just a few minutes ago...

examining the 'not square' bathroom floor
Ellie's completed bathroom floor and walls. Can you believe two tile newbies did this? It's beautiful!
I checked out our blog a few days ago and saw that this time last year we were doing home improvement projects at the end of July. It looks like this year isn't any different! This week Nathan decided to tackle ceramic tiling. Thanks to a loaner wet saw from his dad and lots of elbow grease from our friend
Viktor (who works nights for UPS and this week is helping us in the afternoons while his wife is working) we've got a new floor in our apartment bathroom.
The project was precipitated by Ellie's penchant for dumping water out of the bathtub. Over the course of the past several months, we've noticed a growing problem with the linoleum (major bubbling) and knew we had to do something fast. Ripping it up revealed some serious mold (which bleach took care of) and now hopefully the tile will be more resistant to her wet messes.
While we had the tools at our disposal, we also procured tile for the student center lower level guestroom bath and our master bath. Fortunately the spaces are not large, but each room involves about 48 hours of off-limits-access, so the project has had to be planned strategically. Ellie's bathroom was finished in 2 days, including a wall paper job that tested our marital harmony. Now Nathan and Viktor are setting the tile down in bathroom #2 and weariness is starting to set in. In honor of our anniversary (and to catch up on other office work), Nathan has declared tomorrow a day off from tiling. But, I hope next week to post photos of two more sparkling bathroom floors. I'm guessing that it will be July of '09 before Nathan will even consider tackling the kitchen... ;-)